Sunday, December 9, 2007
Of course, I forgot something.
Patty took me to the Colt's game a week ago. The Colts played the Jaguars in Indy. It was a blast! Thanks Patty! pictures.
Steve and I have a couple of beta fish. Mine's name is Bruce and his fish is TF (really, it's not a nice name so I am shortening it). Unfortunately, TF is in his last days. He has a large clear bubble over his eye. After googling it, we found that it's "popeye." If we treated it, it could go away, but we refuse to pay more for the treatment than we did for the fish.....inhumane? probably? If you know any cheap home remedies for popeye let us know....until then....he will be known as Popeye.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
pathetic monthly post
Where do we start????
My parents started building a garage for the river house about a month ago. We're hoping it will be the party site for the rehearsal dinner. It's two know big Mike...gotta have some place to put all your toys. Everyone down in KY asks me who is building a house next to ours...pretty sad. It should be finished by January.
A few weeks ago Steve was out of school for a week. It's like Fall Break and Thanksgiving break combined. I put him to WEDDING WORK! He designed our save the dates (expect them in January or February), designed the invitations (soooo awesome), and made the table numbers (each of them has a different black and white picture of things we love in Madison and KY). We also got to taste cakes for our wedding cakes. Our baker make 9 cupcakes for us to taste. We were so excited we quickly ate 4 and felt sooooo sick from large amounts of sugar. We finally decided on caramel chocolate (Megan's favorite), strawberry (Steve's favorite), and french vanilla (for all those boring plain people).

After I got out of school on Tuesday we headed up to New Castle on Wednesday. Steve agreed to take dad's four wheeler to New Castle, but was a little upset when he had to stop suddenly and it went through his back window. NOT GOOD! Luckily, we were able to get it fixed a few days later, but it was funny driving around with the "hillbilly replacement window."

We had to leave a little early to head up to Michigan. Steve was really excited to get up there to go hunting. He went out Friday morning with no luck, but got a buck on Friday night. He was super excited and made me take picutres....ewwww!

Sorry it's sideways! Check out the boots and the thermal soon to be husband is a HILLBILLY!
Good thing Steve had his buck because he couldn't go hunting on Saturday night. We had his grandma's 80th birthday party to go to. It was sooo nice. It was great to see all his crazy little cousins, but the best part was how "unique" the party was. First of all, there was a KEG!...for an 80th birthday party...haha. Also, there were AMISH people there...a whole family! It was really neat to see them...the kids were so pictures...gotta respect the amish. :)
While we were on "vacation" Steve mailed out his resumes to architecture firms. He already has 4 interviews. He'll be interviewing in Michigan during Christmas break.
As for our plans for Christmas break, it goes like this:
Dec 15th-Steve's last final
Dec 16th-Steve heads to KY
Dec 20th-Megan's last day before break
Dec 21st-dinner with the Burgers and Retherfords
Dec 22nd-dinner with SAEs
Dec 23rd-dinner with Robin and Noah
Dec 24th-Christmas with Megan's family
Dec 25th-head up to Michigan for Christmas with Steve's family
We'll be up there probably until I have to go back to school on the 4th.
I am sure I missed something. I'll post later whatever I missed. I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays! Only 6 months until the wedding and we get to see everyone!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I have subscribed to and I really like it. Basically, it's like a workout video on your ipod. The difference is you get to listen to your own music instead of watch the annoying skinny girls on tv. It's 60 dollars every 13 weeks. You can download up to 3 workouts every day (who wants to do three workouts every day?).
What happens when you log on is you answer some questions about yourself (health, fitness, equipment, goals, etc.). Then, the program recommends some workouts. You pick out a workout that you want, and make some playlists for the workout using your itunes. Then, you can download your workout.
I have been able to download some workouts for my elliptical. I have also downloaded a stretching workout, combined workout, and weight training workouts. It's really cool to have so many workouts at your fingertips.
Hopefully, after the new year I will be heading to the gym for some more intensive workouts to prepare for our big day, but until then, this definitely works (if I do it).
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Yeah, Yeah, I don't blog much!
- Steve finished his webpage that will (hopefully) help him get a job.
- Megan went on 2 more field trips. We went to see a play in Jeffersonville. Then, we went hiking....I am not much of an "outdoorsey" person.
- Megan and her mom participated in Amy Hewitt's disability awareness week walk. It wasn't a long walk, but since we had to walk back to the car, it was long.
- Big Mike Broyles took some engagement pictures. We decided to go the cheap route with the engagement pictures since Steve enjoys getting his picture taken soooooo much.
- The bridesmaids dresses have been ordered.
- We met with the photographer and florist. (we=Megan and Patty)
- We reserved the church sound guy.
- Kate and Jeff's wedding was sooooooo much fun thanks to Kyle, Betsy, Cletus, Karla, and Justin. (We miss you guys.)
- Woodz did well on his finals....getting the best score in the whole class on one of them!
- Megan dressed as Charlotte's web for Halloween.
- We visited Steve's family in Michigan where we picked about 100 gourds for my classroom. (thanks Wendee for growing them)
I think that's about no particular order.
This weekend we're hanging out. Megan is off Monday and Tuesday. We're pumped for the Colts game tomorrow and I (megan..duh) am going to attempt to make enchilada's and tortilla soup for the big game.
We're looking forward to Thanksgiving in a couple weeks where we will get some more wedding work done (save the date and invite layout as well as a final guest list (is it ever final?)). We will be going to Megan's mom's Thanksgiving for lunch on Thanksgiving day then off to Michigan for hunting (megan will be sleeping) and celebrating Woodz's grandma's birthday.

There's the church behind us! 7 more months and we'll be walking out of those doors....married!
I refuse to take the time for here it is! :)
Sunday, October 7, 2007
St. Louis

This one's for Karwa! We knew you'd love this sleepy camel.

Look at the baby! He's only 6 months old.....I feel bad for that mom!

After we saw the entire zoo, we headed to our hotel. It was downtown near Union Station. It was super old and really neat. Unfortunately, it was a mile walk to the river and the arch. Of course, our cheap butts walked all the way there. We weren't able to go up to the top of the arch, but it was neat to be at the bottom. Steve got some really cool pictures!

Now, we're home. Steve will be heading back to classes all week and I head back to the zoo that is my classroom. I have a new student this week that does not speak english...and I don't speak spanish.
In a week, I start fall break for a week. Thank goodness! Look for more posts then...when I have more time!
Monday, September 24, 2007

For the party, I made a dessert. Since Steve already had brownie mix, I found this recipe on to "spruce up" the brownies.
brownie mix (and whatever it takes to make them)
1 bag mini marshmallows (the smaller bag)
1bag chocolate chips (the smaller bag)
1 T butter
1 1/2 cups rice krispies
1 cup peanut butter (I left this out because Steve doesn't like it.)
Bake the brownies just like you always would in a 9x13 pan. Then, pour the marshmallows over the top of the brownies and cook them for three more minutes. Marshmallows will still be "lumpy." Let the brownies sit for a bit while you melt the chocolate and the butter together (30 seconds in microwave, stir, repeat....). You would add the peanut butter at this time, too, if you want it. Stir the rice krispies into the melted mixture, then pour it over the top of the brownies. Use a knife to "marble" the chocolate mixture and marshmallows together.
This is a WONDERFUL, EASY dessert. :) Just they way I like it.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Wonderful Weekend

Happy Fall Y'all!

We're always up to something.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I'm a blogging slacker.
Here's the not so exciting update w/o pictures cuz I am a bum. :)
Let's seeeeee.....a few weekends ago was pretty exciting. Steven came down to KY to spend the weekend. It was his first Ribberfest (a rib festival in madison). We had barbeque for three meals! It was a lot of fun to see how much great stuff we could eat.
Last weekend was great, too. We went up to Michigan to visit woodz's family and friends. We were able to spend a night at Steve's favorite pizza place with his buds, and two days with his favorite cousins, Sydney, Bradley, Lauren, and Andrew. We were also able to spend time with his parents and grandparents and see some of his aunts and uncles.
Steve started classes a week and a half ago. He has class mon and wed afternoons and all day tuesday and thursday. He's still working for the same guy that he worked for this summer on mon wed and fri. I think he's ok with his classes. I wouldn't say he's enjoying them, but I am sure he'll get through them.
This weekend I am going there. Not sure what we'll be up to. I'm guessing I will try to talk Steve into our second visit to the apple orchard. I can't get enough of the apple doughnuts and frozen apple cider.
Not much is going on with the wedding. We are slowly working on getting in touch with the florist and photographer to plan, but other than that, everyone is booked and ready. We are going to check out bridesmaids dresses in a couple weeks. I will also be ordering my dress (can't wait to try it on again) and looking for something for my mom. I am really looking forward to getting more stuff done so I can check more off of my list.
That's it. I told you it isn't too exciting! Take care!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Help us settle an argument.

Long Time...No Blog!
About two weeks ago, I headed back down to KY (sigh). It wasn't a fun move, but for one more year, I will be teaching down in KY while Steven is in grad school in IL. So last week I worked on getting my room ready and this week (that's almost over) I started my last year at Cartmell. This year is going to be WILD! I have 26 students (last year I had 18). I have some really needy students. I have my work cut out for me, but there are some sweet ones too, including one who refers to me as "beautiful Miss Broyles." Gotta love the brown nosers. :)
Steven is finishing up his physical therapy next week. I wouldn't say his leg is completely back to normal, but it's close and the rest will take time. He starts his second year of grad school on the 22nd.
If you haven't checked the ticker at the top of the blog, we are now in the nine month range! We are getting pretty excited about everything. Lately, I have been working on finding a florist, dj, and all the necessities of a great wedding.
Sorry about not having pictures, we just aren't as fun once I go back to work. :)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
A Day in Marshall

Our first stop was for ice cream and a walk to the fountain. Steve claims it's better than the one in Madison. It's pretty....until the water starts changing colors like it belongs in vegas.

Have you ever seen a black squirrel? I hadn't since I had been to Michigan! Pretty crazy!

We stopped to see our favorite little family (Steve's aunt, uncle, and cousins). Here's Sydney. She's our flower girl. Steve hopes she keeps this cheesy smile for the wedding pictures. I LOVE her white hair.

We took Whitey swimming. He's like a little Steve! Pretty scary. After swimming, we headed to the pond to search for some real frogs....he caught 3!
Up North

Ahhhh! What a view! I miss it already!