Ok, so we aren't even newlyweds and we have ongoing arguments. Here's the deal. Both of our beloved towns have fountains. We both love our town's fountains (Madison, IN and Marshall, MI). Please leave a comment and tell us which one YOU like best.

Please post your votes on our comments for the "white one" or the "green one".
(The white one has lights that change the water colors at night.)
(The green one is surrounded by flowers in the pots in spring and summer.)
Thank You!
As a once nearby Battle Creeker I must vote for WHITE!! I think the enjoyment of year-round colored lights far out-do flowers for two seasons.
Meghan, I hope things are going well for you...Congrats on the big wedding coming up. Have a wonderful start to your school year. I feel your pain...I have 25 students this year and many needy ones.
Sara Whalen now Cherry :)
So I'm not sure if this is going to get me in trouble or not, but I like the green. It's very charming. :-)
Meghan-I found your blog from Karlas....I hope things are going well for you. I was in Madison for about 12 days last week. Funny story, we were at the Richwood Plantation for a wedding. Everybody invovled in the wedding (all 12 guys) grew up in Madison. The gifts that the groom got each of them, including my husband, was paintings of historic places around Madison. Greg got the fountain! So my vote is for the Madison fountain. Greg grew up about a block from that fountain. His family lived there for over 20 years on third street, and just recently moved up to the hill. His mom owns Gardner Insurance! Small world isn't it! I'm gonna add you guys to our blog!! Hope school goes well for you! I start Monday!
Justin likes the white one....Karla likes the green one, so we cancel each other out. Can't wait to see you soon!!
Hey Megan!!!
I have been thinking about you guys a lot lately...so I hunted and found your wedding web page and blog page! I hope things are well (it sounds like they are).
Fountains...The green one gets 2 1/2 votes! (Matt, Betsy & baby)
Take care and we hope to see you when we are up in IN in November!
Lots of love,
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