Tuesday, November 6, 2007
I have subscribed to www.podfittness.com and I really like it. Basically, it's like a workout video on your ipod. The difference is you get to listen to your own music instead of watch the annoying skinny girls on tv. It's 60 dollars every 13 weeks. You can download up to 3 workouts every day (who wants to do three workouts every day?).
What happens when you log on is you answer some questions about yourself (health, fitness, equipment, goals, etc.). Then, the program recommends some workouts. You pick out a workout that you want, and make some playlists for the workout using your itunes. Then, you can download your workout.
I have been able to download some workouts for my elliptical. I have also downloaded a stretching workout, combined workout, and weight training workouts. It's really cool to have so many workouts at your fingertips.
Hopefully, after the new year I will be heading to the gym for some more intensive workouts to prepare for our big day, but until then, this definitely works (if I do it).
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah...so I don't blog much!
- Steve finished his webpage that will (hopefully) help him get a job. https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/woods5/www/INDEX.html
- Megan went on 2 more field trips. We went to see a play in Jeffersonville. Then, we went hiking....I am not much of an "outdoorsey" person.
- Megan and her mom participated in Amy Hewitt's disability awareness week walk. It wasn't a long walk, but since we had to walk back to the car, it was long.
- Big Mike Broyles took some engagement pictures. We decided to go the cheap route with the engagement pictures since Steve enjoys getting his picture taken soooooo much.
- The bridesmaids dresses have been ordered.
- We met with the photographer and florist. (we=Megan and Patty)
- We reserved the church sound guy.
- Kate and Jeff's wedding was sooooooo much fun thanks to Kyle, Betsy, Cletus, Karla, and Justin. (We miss you guys.)
- Woodz did well on his finals....getting the best score in the whole class on one of them!
- Megan dressed as Charlotte's web for Halloween.
- We visited Steve's family in Michigan where we picked about 100 gourds for my classroom. (thanks Wendee for growing them)
I think that's about it....in no particular order.
This weekend we're hanging out. Megan is off Monday and Tuesday. We're pumped for the Colts game tomorrow and I (megan..duh) am going to attempt to make enchilada's and tortilla soup for the big game.
We're looking forward to Thanksgiving in a couple weeks where we will get some more wedding work done (save the date and invite layout as well as a final guest list (is it ever final?)). We will be going to Megan's mom's Thanksgiving for lunch on Thanksgiving day then off to Michigan for hunting (megan will be sleeping) and celebrating Woodz's grandma's birthday.

There's the church behind us! 7 more months and we'll be walking out of those doors....married!
I refuse to take the time for proofreading...so here it is! :)