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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Long Time...No Blog!

I'm guessing I have some pretty impatient people upset with me because I haven't posted anything new in a while. Sorry!

Now for the updates on my patients.

Unfortunately, on May 21st, Grandma Katie passed away. Although we will REALLY miss her (already do), I am glad that she is no longer in pain. Steve and I enjoyed her last few days with her. She REALLY enjoyed Steve because since he had his knee surgery he laid on her hospital bed while she rested on her beloved couch. She claimed Steve was her "bedfellow."

Also, before she passed away, she informed us that she WILL be at the wedding. However, she doesn't want to sit in the front, she will be sitting in the back with some of my other Angels, and when people walk in, they are going to say, "I can't believe they are here!" I am so glad she'll be there.

The good news is Steve is recovering from his surgery. He went to work last week and is going on his own (driving with his left foot) this week. I'll be heading there on Saturday to continue with my nursing duties. On June 15th, he goes back to the dr. and hopefully will be off the crutches!

Yeah, he's not that bad. :)

I have one more day of teaching, a staff day, and then I am finished for the year. I am going to stay in KY for one more year and search for a new job once we are married. I really like my school and my boss, and I HATE the job search. :)

My plans this summer are to spend time up in Champaign with Steve during the week and go down to "the river" on weekends. If any of you are interested in coming down to the river let me know! We'd love to have you!

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