Sunday, December 9, 2007
Of course, I forgot something.
Patty took me to the Colt's game a week ago. The Colts played the Jaguars in Indy. It was a blast! Thanks Patty! pictures.
Steve and I have a couple of beta fish. Mine's name is Bruce and his fish is TF (really, it's not a nice name so I am shortening it). Unfortunately, TF is in his last days. He has a large clear bubble over his eye. After googling it, we found that it's "popeye." If we treated it, it could go away, but we refuse to pay more for the treatment than we did for the fish.....inhumane? probably? If you know any cheap home remedies for popeye let us know....until then....he will be known as Popeye.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
pathetic monthly post
Where do we start????
My parents started building a garage for the river house about a month ago. We're hoping it will be the party site for the rehearsal dinner. It's two know big Mike...gotta have some place to put all your toys. Everyone down in KY asks me who is building a house next to ours...pretty sad. It should be finished by January.
A few weeks ago Steve was out of school for a week. It's like Fall Break and Thanksgiving break combined. I put him to WEDDING WORK! He designed our save the dates (expect them in January or February), designed the invitations (soooo awesome), and made the table numbers (each of them has a different black and white picture of things we love in Madison and KY). We also got to taste cakes for our wedding cakes. Our baker make 9 cupcakes for us to taste. We were so excited we quickly ate 4 and felt sooooo sick from large amounts of sugar. We finally decided on caramel chocolate (Megan's favorite), strawberry (Steve's favorite), and french vanilla (for all those boring plain people).

After I got out of school on Tuesday we headed up to New Castle on Wednesday. Steve agreed to take dad's four wheeler to New Castle, but was a little upset when he had to stop suddenly and it went through his back window. NOT GOOD! Luckily, we were able to get it fixed a few days later, but it was funny driving around with the "hillbilly replacement window."

We had to leave a little early to head up to Michigan. Steve was really excited to get up there to go hunting. He went out Friday morning with no luck, but got a buck on Friday night. He was super excited and made me take picutres....ewwww!

Sorry it's sideways! Check out the boots and the thermal soon to be husband is a HILLBILLY!
Good thing Steve had his buck because he couldn't go hunting on Saturday night. We had his grandma's 80th birthday party to go to. It was sooo nice. It was great to see all his crazy little cousins, but the best part was how "unique" the party was. First of all, there was a KEG!...for an 80th birthday party...haha. Also, there were AMISH people there...a whole family! It was really neat to see them...the kids were so pictures...gotta respect the amish. :)
While we were on "vacation" Steve mailed out his resumes to architecture firms. He already has 4 interviews. He'll be interviewing in Michigan during Christmas break.
As for our plans for Christmas break, it goes like this:
Dec 15th-Steve's last final
Dec 16th-Steve heads to KY
Dec 20th-Megan's last day before break
Dec 21st-dinner with the Burgers and Retherfords
Dec 22nd-dinner with SAEs
Dec 23rd-dinner with Robin and Noah
Dec 24th-Christmas with Megan's family
Dec 25th-head up to Michigan for Christmas with Steve's family
We'll be up there probably until I have to go back to school on the 4th.
I am sure I missed something. I'll post later whatever I missed. I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays! Only 6 months until the wedding and we get to see everyone!